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Sobre Kia kongo Passatempo
Aprender enquanto vai se divertido é uma ferramenta que estimula a aprendizagem rápida. Abaixo diferentes jogos seleccionados para si. O Passe o Tempo que Ensaina Kikongo


Loading the crossword has yet to start.



Find these words in the riddle: {{crosswordData.description}}

Difficulty level {{crosswordData.level+1|localeNumber}}
Word directions: only to the right and down any, including diagonal and backwards
List of words that should be found: visible before found hidden before found

Mark the words:

Start solving the riddle Restart solving the riddle Remaining time Time used

You have found {{count.solution|localeNumber}} of {{count.words|localeNumber}} words You have found all {{count.words|localeNumber}} words!

  • {{word.fields | joinWord}}

You have found {{message.solution|localeNumber}} of {{message.words|localeNumber}} hidden words during the alloted time. Congratulation, you have solved the riddle in {{message.time | duration}}!

Do you want to submit your result?

A username and password is required for saving!


Dont't try to be clever!



The marked word {{message.word | joinWord}} is not part of the solution.

Congratulation, you have solved the riddle!Congratulation, you have solved the riddle in {{message.time | duration}}!

You have found {{message.solution|localeNumber}} of {{message.words|localeNumber}} hidden words during the alloted time.

Please be patient for the crossword being loaded.

Fornecido para você por Kia Kongo - Postes |

Actualizado em : 2017-01-30 16:46:14
Tudo sobre a cultura Kongo

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